Effects of electrically generated silver ions on human cells and wound healing.
R.O. BECKER. Electro- and Magnetobiology 19: 1–19, 2000. [PDF]
Silver ions in the treatment of local infections.
R.O. BECKER. Met. Based Drugs 6: 311–314, 1999. [PDF]
Inhibition of enzyme induction in E. coli by anodic silver.
J. Cowlishaw, J.A. Spadaro & R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 1: 295–264, 1982. [PDF]
Silver anode treatment of chronic osteomyelitis.
D.A. Webster, J.A. Spadaro, R.O. BECKER & S. Kramer. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 161: 105–114, 1981. [PDF]
Sensitivity to change in electrical environment: a new bioelectric effect.
A.A. Marino, J.M. Cullen, M. Reichmanis, R.O. BECKER & F.X. Hart. Am. J. Physiol. 239 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 8): R424–427, 1980. [PDF]
Experience with anodic silver in the treatment of osteomyelitis.
J. Spadaro & R.O. BECKER. in Transactions of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA. Volume 4, p. 10, 1979. [PDF]
Cathode composition and electrical osteogenesis.
J. Spadaro, S. Chapin & R.O. BECKER. in Transactions of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA. Volume 4, p. 85, 1979. [PDF]
Treatment of orthopedic infections with electrically generated silver ions.
R.O. BECKER & J.A. Spadaro. J. Bone Joint Surg. 60-A: 871–881, 1978. [PDF]
Silver-PMMA antibacterial bone cement.
J. Spadaro, D.A. Webster, S.E. Chapin, H.A. Yuan, D.G. Murray & R.O. BECKER. in Transactions of the 24th Annual ORS, 1978. [PDF]
Antitumor effects of silver electrodes in vitro.
J. Spadaro, T.J. Berger, S. Chapin & R.O. BECKER. in Transactions of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, New Orleans, LA, 1977. [PDF]
Electrically generated silver ions as a bactericidal agent in acute and chronic Enterobacter cloacae osteomyelitis in rabbits.
H. Yuan, J. Spadaro, T.J. Berger, R.O. BECKER & D. Webster. in 23rd Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, Las Vegas, NV, 1977. [PDF]
Antifungal properties of electrically generated metallic ions.
T.J. Berger, J.A. Spadaro, R. Bierman, S.E. Chapin & R.O. BECKER. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 10: 856–860, 1976. [PDF]
Some specific cellular effects of electrically injected silver and gold ions.
J.A. Spadaro & R.O. BECKER. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 3: 49–57, 1976. [PDF]
Electrically generated silver ions: quantitative effects on bacterial and mammalian cells.
T.J. Berger, J.A. Spadaro, S.E. Chapin & R.O. BECKER. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 9: 357–358, 1976. [PDF]
Treatment of localized infections with electrochemically injected silver.
J.A. Spadaro & R.O. BECKER. in 22nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, 1976. [PDF]
Antibacterial effects of silver electrodes with weak direct current.
J.A. Spadaro, T.J. Berger, S.D. Barranco, S.E. Chapin & R.O. BECKER. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 6: 637–642, 1974. [PDF]
Effect of selected metals on marrow cells in culture.
A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger, R.O. BECKER & J.A. Spadaro. Chem. Biol. Interactions 9: 217–223, 1974. [PDF]