The electrical response of human skeletal muscle to passive stretch.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bone Joint Surg. 42-A: 1091–1103, 1960. [PDF]
The bioelectric field pattern in the salamander and its simulation by electronic analog.
R.O. BECKER. IRE Trans. Med. Electronics ME-7: 202–208, 1960. [PDF]
The bioelectric factors in amphibian limb regeneration.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bone Joint Surg. 43-A: 643-656, 1961. [PDF]
Search for evidence of axial current flow in peripheral nerves of salamander.
R.O. BECKER. Science 134: 101–102, 1961. [PDF]
Direct current potentials in hypnoanalgesia.
H. Friedman, R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 7: 193–197, 1962. [PDF]
Some observations indicating the possibility of longitudinal charge-carrier flow in peripheral nerves.
R.O. BECKER. in Biological Prototypes and Synthetic Systems, Vol. 1. E.E. Bernard & R.C. Kare, eds. Plenum Press, pp. 31–37, 1962. [PDF]
Generation of electric potentials by bone in response to mechanical stress.
C.A.L. Bassett & R.O. BECKER. Science 137: 1063–1064, 1962. [PDF]
The direct current control system: a link between the environment and the organism.
R.O. BECKER, C.H. Bachman & H. Friedman. N.Y. State J. Med. 62: 1169–1176, 1962. [PDF]
The longitudinal direct-current gradients of spinal nerves.
R.O. BECKER, C.H. Bachman & W. Slaughter. Nature 196: 675–676, 1962. [PDF]
Geomagnetic parameters and psychiatric hospital admissions.
H. Friedman, R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Nature 200: 626–628, 1963. [PDF]
Electron paramagnetic resonance in non-irradiated bone.
R.O. BECKER. Nature 199: 1304–1305, 1963. [PDF]
Relationship of geomagnetic environment to human biology.
R.O. BECKER. N.Y. State J. Med. 63: 2215–2219, 1963. [PDF]
The biological effects of magnetic fields: a survey.
R.O. BECKER. Med. Electron. Biol. Eng. 1: 293–303, 1963. [PDF]
The direct current field: a primitive control and communication system related to growth processes.
R.O. BECKER. in Proc. XVI Int. Congress Zool. 3: 179–184, 1963. [PDF]