Exploring new horizons in electromedicine.
R.O. BECKER. J. Alt. Complement. Med. 10: 17–18, 2004. [PDF]

Modern bioelectromagnetics & functions of the central nervous system.
R.O. BECKER. Subtle Energies 3: 53–72, 1992. [PDF]

Response to Nordenstrom.
R.O. BECKER. Electro- and Magnetobiology 11: 77–83, 1992. [PDF]

Becker reply to Adair.
R.O. BECKER. Physics Today 44: 103, 1991. [PDF]

Prepared statement for the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs of the House of Representatives concerning health and public policy implications of electric powerlines.
R.O. BECKER. March 8, 1990. [PDF]

The machine brain and properties of the mind.
R.O. BECKER. Subtle Energies 1: 79–87, 1990. [PDF]

Comments on “Biological effects of power line fields.”
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 7: 103–118, 1988. [PDF]

Electromagnetism and the revolution in medicine.
R.O. BECKER. Acupunct. Electrother. Res. 12: 336–339, 1987. [PDF]

Electromagnetism and life.
R.O. BECKER. in Modern Bioelectricity, A.A. Marino, ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 1–10, 1986. [PDF]

An analysis of the effectiveness of regulatory agency responses to a situation involving perceived health effects from microwave radiation.
R.O. BECKER & A.J. Becker. J. Bioelectricity 5: 229-251, 1986. [PDF]

A theory of the interaction between DC and ELF electromagnetic fields and living organisms.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 4: 133–140, 1985. [PDF]

R.O. BECKER. in Electric Wilderness. A. Marino & J. Ray. San Francisco: The San Francisco Press, 1986. [PDF]

Electromagnetic controls over biological growth processes.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 3: 105–118, 1984. [PDF]

Environmental power-frequency magnetic fields and suicide.
F.S. Perry, M. Reichmanis, A. Marino, & R. BECKER. Health Phys. 41: 267–277, 1981. [PDF]

Electrostimulation and undetected malignant tumors.
R.O. BECKER & C. Esper. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 161: 336–339, 1981. [PDF]

Sensitivity to change in electrical environment: a new bioelectric effect.
A.A. Marino, J.M. Cullen, M. Reichmanis, R.O. BECKER & F.X. Hart. Am. J. Physiol. 239 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 8): R424–427, 1980. [PDF]

Power frequency electric field induces biological changes in successive generations of mice.
A.A. Marino, M. Reichmanis, R.O. BECKER, B. Ullrich & J.M. Cullen. Experientia 36: 309–311, 1980. [PDF]

Electromagnetic fields and life.
R.O. BECKER. Psychoenerg. Syst. 3: 119–128, 1979. [PDF]

Kirlian photography: potential for use in diagnosis.
A.A. Marino, R.O. BECKER & B. Ullrich. Psychoenerg. Syst. 3: 47–54, 1979. [PDF]

Power frequency electric fields and biological stress: a cause-and-effect relationship.
A.A. Marino, J.M. Cullen, M. Reichmanis & R.O. BECKER, in Biological Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields. Proc. 18th Hanford Life Sciences Symposium, Richland Wash., U.S. Dept. of Energy. DOE Symposium Series 50: 258–276, 1978. [PDF]

Relation between suicide and the electromagnetic field of overhead power lines.
M. Reichmanis, F.S. Perry, A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 11: 395–403, 1979. [PDF]

Silver polymathy methacrylate antibacterial bone cement.
J.A. Spadaro, D.A. Webster & R.O. BECKER. Clin. Orthop. 143: 266–270, 1979. [PDF]

Experience with low current silver electrode treatment of non-union.
R.O. BECKER & J.A. Spadaro. in Electrical Properties of Bone and Cartilage. C.T. Brighton, J. Black & S. Pollack, eds. Grune & Stratton, pp. 631–638, 1979. [PDF]

The significance of electrically stimulated osteogenesis—more questions than answers.
R.O. BECKER. Clin. Orthop. 141: 266–274, 1979. [PDF]

Space osteoporosis: an electromagnetic hypothesis.
A.A. Marino, R.O. BECKER, F.X. Hart & F. Anders, Jr. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 50: 409–410, 1979. [PDF]

Brain pollution.
R.O. BECKER. Psychol. Today Feb.: 124, 1979. [PDF]

Electrical osteogenesis—pro and con.
R.O. BECKER. Calc. Tiss. Res. 26: 93–97, 1978. [PDF]

High voltage lines: hazard at a distance.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Environment 20 (9): 6–15, 1978. [PDF]

Hazard at a distance: effects of exposure to the electric and magnetic fields of high voltage transmission lines.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Med. Res. Eng. 12: 6–9, 1978. [PDF]

Electromagnetic pollution.
R.O. BECKER & A.A. Marino. The Sciences, January, 1978, pp. 14, 15, 23. [PDF]

Reply to “High tension.”
R.O. BECKER & A.A. Marino. The Sciences 18: 27–28, October 1978. [PDF]

In vivo bioelectrochemical changes associated with exposure to ELF electric fields.
A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger, B.P. Austin, R.O. BECKER & F.X. Hart. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 9: 433–441, 1977. [PDF]

Biological effects of extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields: a review.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 9: 131–147, 1977. [PDF]

Microwave radiation.
R.O. BECKER. N.Y. State J. Med. 77: 2172, 1977. [PDF]

An application of direct current neural systems to psychic phenomena.
R.O. BECKER. Psychoenerg. Syst. 2: 189–198, 1977. [PDF]

Electrical osteogenesis: an analysis.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Clin. Orthop. 123: 280–282, 1977. [PDF]

Evaluation of electrochemical information transfer system. I. Effect of electric fields on living organisms.
A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger, B.P. Austin & R.O. BECKER. J. Electrochem. Soc. 123: 1199–1200, 1976. [PDF]

The effect of continuous exposure to low frequency electric fields on three generations of mice: a pilot study.
A.A. Marino, R.O. BECKER & B. Ullrich. Experientia 32: 565, 1976. [PDF]

Electrostatic field induced changes in mouse serum proteins.
A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger, R.O. BECKER & F.X. Hart. Experientia 30: 1274–1275, 1974. [PDF]

Electric field effects in selected biologic systems.
A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger, J.T. Mitchell, B.A. Duhacek & R.O. BECKER. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 238: 436–444, 1974. [PDF]

The significance of bioelectric potentials.
R.O. BECKER. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 1: 187–199, 1974. [PDF]

Regeneration of the ventricular myocardium in amphibians.
R.O. BECKER, S.E. Chapin & R. Sherry. Nature 248: 145–147, 1974. [PDF]

The control of healing processes (guest editorial).
R.O. BECKER. Orthop. Rev. Feb., 1974. [PDF]

Electromagnetic energy of various types interacts with living organisms to produce a variety of functional alterations.
R.O. BECKER. Plenary lecture at the Second International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry, Pont-à-Mousson, France. 1 October 1973. [PDF]

Electromagnetic forces and life processes.
R.O. BECKER. Technol. Rev. (MIT) 75: 32–38, 1972. [PDF]

Dupuytren’s contracture: some associated biophysical abnormalities.
E. Berg, A.A. Marino & R O. Becker. Clin. Orthop. 83: 144–148, 1972. [PDF]

Electrical stimulation of partial limb regeneration in mammals.
R.O. BECKER & J.A. Spadaro. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 48: 627–641, 1972. [PDF]

Stimulation of partial limb regeneration in rats.
R.O. BECKER. Nature 235: 109–111, 1972. [PDF]

Augmentation of regenerative healing in man, a possible alternative to prosthetic implantation.
R.O. BECKER. Clin. Orthop. 83: 255–262, 1972. [PDF]

Possible mechanisms of action of electromagnetic forces on living organisms.
R.O. BECKER. Presented at IEEE International Convention, March 20–23, New York, NY, 1972. [PDF]

Bioelectrochemistry—an outlook.
R.O. BECKER. Proceedings of a Workshop in Bioelectrochemistry, Princeton, NJ, October 10–14, 1971. A.A. Pilla, ed. NSF and ESB Inc., pp. 347–358, 1971. [PDF]

The possible hazards of human exposure to magnetic fields.
R.O. BECKER. Consultant report for the Joint Technical Advisory Subcommittee 63.1.4, Side Effects of Electromagnetic Energy, 1968. IEEE, New York, 1968. [PDF]

The electrical control of growth processes.
R.O. BECKER. Med. Times 95: 657–669, 1967. [PDF]

Prepared testimony to the Subcommittee on Public Health of the U.S. House of Representatives in connection with hearings on H.R. 10790, Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1967.
R.O. BECKER. 1967. [PDF]

Bioelectrical factors controlling bone structure.
R.O. BECKER, C.A.L. Bassett & C.H. Bachman. in Bone Biodynamics, H.M. Frost, ed., Little Brown and Co.: Boston, 1964. [PDF]

Geomagnetic parameters and psychiatric hospital admissions.
H. Friedman, R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Nature 200: 626–628, 1963. [PDF]

Relationship of geomagnetic environment to human biology.
R.O. BECKER. N.Y. State J. Med. 63: 2215–2219, 1963. [PDF]