Exploring new horizons in electromedicine.
R.O. BECKER. J. Alt. Complement. Med. 10: 17–18, 2004. [PDF]
Induced dedifferentiation: a possible alternative to embryonic stem cell transplants.
R.O. BECKER. NeuroRehabilitation 17: 23–31, 2002. [PDF]
Effects of electrically generated silver ions on human cells and wound healing.
R.O. BECKER. Electro- and Magnetobiology 19: 1–19, 2000. [PDF]
Silver ions in the treatment of local infections.
R.O. BECKER. Met. Based Drugs 6: 311–314, 1999. [PDF]
Modern bioelectromagnetics & functions of the central nervous system.
R.O. BECKER. Subtle Energies 3: 53–72, 1992. [PDF]
Response to Nordenstrom.
R.O. BECKER. Electro- and Magnetobiology 11: 77–83, 1992. [PDF]
Evidence for a primitive DC electrical analog system controlling brain function.
R.O. BECKER. Subtle Energies 2: 71–88, 1991. [PDF]
Becker reply to Adair.
R.O. BECKER. Physics Today 44: 103, 1991. [PDF]
The machine brain and properties of the mind.
R.O. BECKER. Subtle Energies 1: 79–87, 1990. [PDF]
Comments on “Biological effects of power line fields.”
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 7: 103–118, 1988. [PDF]
Electromagnetism and the revolution in medicine.
R.O. BECKER. Acupunct. Electrother. Res. 12: 336–339, 1987. [PDF]
Electromagnetism and life.
R.O. BECKER. in Modern Bioelectricity, A.A. Marino, ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 1–10, 1986. [PDF]
Reply to “Comments on variables in research involving electromagnetic bioeffects.”
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 4: 589–590, 1985. [PDF]
A theory of the interaction between DC and ELF electromagnetic fields and living organisms.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 4: 133–140, 1985. [PDF]
Electromagnetic controls over biological growth processes.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 3: 105–118, 1984. [PDF]
Orthopaedics and the coming scientific revolution.
R.O. BECKER. The Bulletin, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, pp. 19–20, 1983. [PDF]
Variables in research involving electromagnetic bioeffects.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 2: 213–216, 1983. [PDF]
The role of the orthopedic surgeon in the development of bioelectricity.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 2: 77–81, 1983. [PDF]
Electrical control systems and regenerative growth.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bioelectricity 1: 239–264, 1982. [PDF]
Electret-induced bone formation in rats.
A.A. Marino, J. Cullen, R.O. BECKER & E. Fukada, in Frontiers of Engineering in Health Care, B.A. Cohen, ed., 220–222, 1981. [PDF]
Environmental power-frequency magnetic fields and suicide.
F.S. Perry, M. Reichmanis, A. Marino, & R. BECKER. Health Phys. 41: 267–277, 1981. [PDF]
Neural-epidermal juxtaposition and its effect on limb regeneration in the rat.
J.M. Cullen & R.O. BECKER. in Mechanisms of Growth Control, R.O. BECKER, ed. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, pp. 479–485, 1981. [PDF]
Electrostimulation and undetected malignant tumors.
R.O. BECKER & C. Esper. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 161: 336–339, 1981. [PDF]
Sensitivity to change in electrical environment: a new bioelectric effect.
A.A. Marino, J.M. Cullen, M. Reichmanis, R.O. BECKER & F.X. Hart. Am. J. Physiol. 239 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 8): R424–427, 1980. [PDF]
Power frequency electric field induces biological changes in successive generations of mice.
A.A. Marino, M. Reichmanis, R.O. BECKER, B. Ullrich & J.M. Cullen. Experientia 36: 309–311, 1980. [PDF]
Electromagnetic fields and life.
R.O. BECKER. Psychoenerg. Syst. 3: 119–128, 1979. [PDF]
Kirlian photography: potential for use in diagnosis.
A.A. Marino, R.O. BECKER & B. Ullrich. Psychoenerg. Syst. 3: 47–54, 1979. [PDF]
Power frequency electric fields and biological stress: a cause-and-effect relationship.
A.A. Marino, J.M. Cullen, M. Reichmanis & R.O. BECKER, in Biological Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields. Proc. 18th Hanford Life Sciences Symposium, Richland Wash., U.S. Dept. of Energy. DOE Symposium Series 50: 258–276, 1978. [PDF]
Relation between suicide and the electromagnetic field of overhead power lines.
M. Reichmanis, F.S. Perry, A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 11: 395–403, 1979. [PDF]
The significance of electrically stimulated osteogenesis—more questions than answers.
R.O. BECKER. Clin. Orthop. 141: 266–274, 1979. [PDF]
Laplace plane analysis of impedance on the H meridian.
M. Reichmanis, A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Am. J. Chin. Med. 7(2): 188–193, 1979. [PDF]
Space osteoporosis: an electromagnetic hypothesis.
A.A. Marino, R.O. BECKER, F.X. Hart & F. Anders, Jr. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 50: 409–410, 1979. [PDF]
Brain pollution.
R.O. BECKER. Psychol. Today Feb.: 124, 1979. [PDF]
Physiological effects of stimulation at acupuncture loci: a review.
M. Reichmanis & R.O. BECKER. Comp. Med. East West 7: 67–73, 1978. [PDF]
Electrical osteogenesis—pro and con.
R.O. BECKER. Calc. Tiss. Res. 26: 93–97, 1978. [PDF]
Laplace plane analysis of skin impedance: a preliminary investigation.
M. Reichmanis, A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. J. Electrochem. Soc. 125: 1765–1768, 1978. [PDF]
High voltage lines: hazard at a distance.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Environment 20 (9): 6–15, 1978. [PDF]
Effect of electrostatic fields on the chromosomes of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells exposed in vivo.
J.T. Mitchell, A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger & R.O. BECKER. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 10: 79–85, 1978. [PDF]
Hazard at a distance: effects of exposure to the electric and magnetic fields of high voltage transmission lines.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Med. Res. Eng. 12: 6–9, 1978. [PDF]
Electromagnetic pollution.
R.O. BECKER & A.A. Marino. The Sciences, January, 1978, pp. 14, 15, 23. [PDF]
Laplace plane analysis of impedance between acupuncture points H-3 and H-4.
M. Reichmanis, A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Comp. Med. East & West 5: 189–195, 1977. [PDF]
In vivo bioelectrochemical changes associated with exposure to ELF electric fields.
A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger, B.P. Austin, R.O. BECKER & F.X. Hart. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 9: 433–441, 1977. [PDF]
Relief of experimentally-induced pain by stimulation at acupuncture loci: a review.
M. Reichmanis & R.O. BECKER. Comp. Med. East West 3–4: 281–288, 1977. [PDF]
Evaluation of electric techniques for stimulation of hard tissue growth.
R.O. BECKER, J.A. Spadaro & A.A. Marino. Bull. Prosthetics Res. BPR 10–27: 180–184, 1977. [PDF]
Biological effects of extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields: a review.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 9: 131–147, 1977. [PDF]
Microwave radiation.
R.O. BECKER. N.Y. State J. Med. 77: 2172, 1977. [PDF]
An application of direct current neural systems to psychic phenomena.
R.O. BECKER. Psychoenerg. Syst. 2: 189–198, 1977. [PDF]
Laplace plane analysis of transient impedance between acupuncture points Li-4 and Li-12.
M. Reichmanis, A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME-24: 402–405, 1977. [PDF]
Electrical osteogenesis: an analysis.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Clin. Orthop. 123: 280–282, 1977. [PDF]
Evaluation of electrochemical information transfer system. I. Effect of electric fields on living organisms.
A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger, B.P. Austin & R.O. BECKER. J. Electrochem. Soc. 123: 1199–1200, 1976. [PDF]
The effect of continuous exposure to low frequency electric fields on three generations of mice: a pilot study.
A.A. Marino, R.O. BECKER & B. Ullrich. Experientia 32: 565, 1976. [PDF]
Electrophysiological correlates of acupuncture points and meridians.
R.O. BECKER, M. Reichmanis, A.A. Marino & J.A. Spadaro. Psychoenerg. Syst. 1: 105–112, 1976. [PDF]
DC skin conductance variation at acupuncture loci.
M. Reichmanis, A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Am. J. Chin. Med. 4: 69–72, 1976. [PDF]
Electrical correlates of acupuncture points.
M. Reichmanis, A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME-22: 533–535, 1975. [PDF]
Electrochemical mechanisms and the control of biological growth processes.
R.O. BECKER & A.A. Pilla. in Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, J.O’M. Bockris & B.E. Conway, eds. New York: Plenum, pp. 289–338, 1975. [PDF]
The current status of electrically stimulated bone growth.
R.O. BECKER. ONA J. 2: 35–36, 1975. [PDF]
Boosting our healing potential.
R.O. BECKER. in Science Year 1975, World Book Encyclopedia, pp. 40–55, 1975. [PDF]
Panel discussion: The role of electrical potential at the cellular level in growth and development.
R.O. BECKER, C.D. Cone, L.F. Jaffe, V.A. Parsegian, H.A. Pohl & L. Weiss. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 238: 451–456, 1974. [PDF]
Panel discussion: To what extent can electrical stimulation be used in the treatment of human disorders?
C.A.L. Bassett, R.O. BECKER, C.T. Brighton, L. Lavine & B.A. Rowley. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 238: 586–593, 1974. [PDF]
Electrostatic field induced changes in mouse serum proteins.
A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger, R.O. BECKER & F.X. Hart. Experientia 30: 1274–1275, 1974. [PDF]
Electrical stimulation of articular cartilage regeneration.
B. Baker, J.A. Spadaro, A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 238: 491–499, 1974. [PDF]
Electric field effects in selected biologic systems.
A.A. Marino, T.J. Berger, J.T. Mitchell, B.A. Duhacek & R.O. BECKER. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 238: 436–444, 1974. [PDF]
The basic biological data transmission and control system influenced by electrical forces.
R.O. BECKER. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 238: 236–241, 1974. [PDF]
The significance of bioelectric potentials.
R.O. BECKER. Bioelectrochem. Bioenerg. 1: 187–199, 1974. [PDF]
Regeneration of the ventricular myocardium in amphibians.
R.O. BECKER, S.E. Chapin & R. Sherry. Nature 248: 145–147, 1974. [PDF]
The control of healing processes (guest editorial).
R.O. BECKER. Orthop. Rev. Feb., 1974. [PDF]
Electromagnetic energy of various types interacts with living organisms to produce a variety of functional alterations.
R.O. BECKER. Plenary lecture at the Second International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry, Pont-à-Mousson, France. 1 October 1973. [PDF]
Electromagnetic forces and life processes.
R.O. BECKER. Technol. Rev. (MIT) 75: 32–38, 1972. [PDF]
Electrical stimulation of partial limb regeneration in mammals.
R.O. BECKER & J.A. Spadaro. Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 48: 627–641, 1972. [PDF]
Stimulation of partial limb regeneration in rats.
R.O. BECKER. Nature 235: 109–111, 1972. [PDF]
Augmentation of regenerative healing in man, a possible alternative to prosthetic implantation.
R.O. BECKER. Clin. Orthop. 83: 255–262, 1972. [PDF]
Possible mechanisms of action of electromagnetic forces on living organisms.
R.O. BECKER. Presented at IEEE International Convention, March 20–23, New York, NY, 1972. [PDF]
Bioelectrochemistry—an outlook.
R.O. BECKER. Proceedings of a Workshop in Bioelectrochemistry, Princeton, NJ, October 10–14, 1971. A.A. Pilla, ed. NSF and ESB Inc., pp. 347–358, 1971. [PDF]
Origin of the piezoelectric effect in bone.
A.A. Marino, S.C. Soderholm & R.O. BECKER. Calc. Tiss. Res. 8: 177–180, 1971. [PDF]
Size-specific metal complexing sites in native collagen.
J.A. Spadaro, R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Nature 225: 1134–1136, 1970. [PDF]
Evidence for epitaxy in the formation of collagen and apatite.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Nature 226: 652–653, 1970. [PDF]
The electrical control system regulating fracture healing in amphibians.
R.O. BECKER & D.G. Murray. Clin. Orthop. 73: 169–198, 1970. [PDF]
The distribution of trace metal ions in bone and tendon.
J.A. Spadaro, R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Calc. Tiss. Res. 6: 49–54, 1970. [PDF]
Piezoelectric effect and growth control in bone.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Nature 228: 473, 1970. [PDF]
The effect of magnetic fields upon the central nervous system.
R.O. BECKER. in Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields. New York: Plenum, 1969. [PDF]
Trace elements in tendon collagen.
E.H. Ellis, J.A. Spadaro & R.O. BECKER. Clin. Orthop. 65: 195–198, 1969. [PDF]
Temperature dependence of the electron paramagnetic resonance signal in tendon collagen.
A.A. Marino & R.O. BECKER. Nature 222: 164–165, 1969. [PDF]
The electrical control of growth processes.
R.O. BECKER. Resident Physician 14: 69–78, 1968. [PDF]
Trace elements of human bone.
R.O. BECKER, J.A. Spadaro & E.W. Berg. J. Bone Joint Surg. 50-A: 326–334, 1968. [PDF]
The possible hazards of human exposure to magnetic fields.
R.O. BECKER. Consultant report for the Joint Technical Advisory Subcommittee 63.1.4, Side Effects of Electromagnetic Energy, 1968. IEEE, New York, 1968. [PDF]
A method for producing cellular dedifferentiation by means of very small electrical currents.
R.O. BECKER & D.G. Murray. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 29: 606–615, 1967. [PDF]
The electrical control of growth processes.
R.O. BECKER. Med. Times 95: 657–669, 1967. [PDF]
Effect of magnetic fields on reaction time performance.
H. Friedman, R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Nature 213: 949–950, 1967. [PDF]
The neural semiconduction control system and its interaction with applied electrical current and magnetic fields.
R.O. BECKER. Proc. XI Int. Cong. Radiol., pp. 1753–1759, 1965. [PDF]
The control system governing bone growth in response to mechanical stress.
R.O. BECKER. J. Ark. Med. Soc. 62: 404–406, 1966. [PDF]
Bioelectric effects in tissue.
R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Clin. Orthop. 43: 251–255, 1966. [PDF]
Photoelectric effects in human bone.
R.O. BECKER & F.M. Brown. Nature 206: 1325–1328, 1965. [PDF]
Psychiatric ward behaviour and geophysical parameters.
H. Friedman, R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Nature 205: 1050–1055, 1965. [PDF]
Effects of electric currents on bone in vivo.
C.A.L. Bassett, R.J. Pawluk & R.O. BECKER. Nature 204: 652–654, 1964. [PDF]
Bioelectrical factors controlling bone structure.
R.O. BECKER, C.A.L. Bassett & C.H. Bachman. in Bone Biodynamics, H.M. Frost, ed., Little Brown and Co.: Boston, 1964. [PDF]
Biophysical basis of behavior.
R.O. BECKER. Hutchings J. 2: 1–5, 1964. [PDF]
Geomagnetic parameters and psychiatric hospital admissions.
H. Friedman, R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Nature 200: 626–628, 1963. [PDF]
The direct current field: a primitive control and communication system related to growth processes.
R.O. BECKER. in Proc. XVI Int. Congress Zool. 3: 179–184, 1963. [PDF]
Relationship of geomagnetic environment to human biology.
R.O. BECKER. N.Y. State J. Med. 63: 2215–2219, 1963. [PDF]
The biological effects of magnetic fields: a survey.
R.O. BECKER. Med. Electron. Biol. Eng. 1: 293–303, 1963. [PDF]
Current control of bone-building.
R.O. BECKER. Medical World News, April 12, pp. 50–55, 1963. [PDF]
The physiological mechanisms of action of magnetic fields on neural structures.
R.O. BECKER. Presented at New York Academy of Sciences, 12 November 1962. [PDF]
Generation of electric potentials by bone in response to mechanical stress.
C.A.L. Bassett & R.O. BECKER. Science 137: 1063–1064, 1962. [PDF]
The longitudinal direct-current gradients of spinal nerves.
R.O. BECKER, C.H. Bachman & W. Slaughter. Nature 196: 675–676, 1962. [PDF]
Direct current potentials in hypnoanalgesia.
H. Friedman, R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 7: 193–197, 1962. [PDF]
Some observations indicating the possibility of longitudinal charge-carrier flow in peripheral nerves.
R.O. BECKER. in Biological Prototypes and Synthetic Systems, Vol. 1. E.E. Bernard & R.C. Kare, eds. Plenum Press, pp. 31–37, 1962. [PDF]
The direct current control system: a link between the environment and the organism.
R.O. BECKER, C.H. Bachman & H. Friedman. N.Y. State J. Med. 62: 1169–1176, 1962. [PDF]
Where is science taking us?
R.O. BECKER, C.H. Bachman & H. Friedman. Saturday Review, 3 February 1962. [PDF]
Search for evidence of axial current flow in peripheral nerves of salamander.
R.O. BECKER. Science 134: 101–102, 1961. [PDF]
The direct current field: a new data transmission and control system in living organisms.
R.O. BECKER & C.H. Bachman. Digest 1961 International Conference on Medical Electronics, New York City, p. 138, July 1961. [PDF]
Relation between natural magnetic field intensity and the increase of psychiatric disturbances in the human population.
R.O. BECKER, C.H. Bachman & H. Friedman. Presented at International Conference on High Magnetic Fields, MIT, 3 November 1961. [PDF]
The bioelectric factors in amphibian limb regeneration.
R.O. BECKER. J. Bone Joint Surg. 43-A: 643-656, 1961. [PDF]
The bioelectric field pattern in the salamander and its simulation by electronic analog.
R.O. BECKER. IRE Trans. Med. Electronics ME-7: 202–208, 1960. [PDF]